Francesco Ebner alle gare Canoagiovani interregionali The young athletes of the Querini-Bucintoro team gave a good demonstration of the meaning of speed at the 2nd Interregional Northern Canoagiovani Trial in San Giorgio di Nogaro, 20-21 July 2019. Andrea Romano, Giacomo Scarpa, Jack Niklas Schrenk, Giovanni Fassioli, Francesco Ebner, Sofia Gavagnin, Nina Sofia Schrenk, Christian Lovadina, Leonardo Rizzi, Gregorio Cravin, Filippo Berti and Scott Lukas Schrenk held high the colours, competing against 523 canoeists belonging to 47 clubs. They won no less than three gold medals, two silver medals and thirteen bronze medals.

Results here: Federazione italiana canoa kayak.

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