Monday 6 January 2020

8.30 am: The Befane don their clothes at the headquarters of RSC Bucintoro 1882 at the Magazzini del Sale alle Zattere.

9.30 am: Departure of the boat procession accompanying the five contending Befane on board their “mascarete coa scoa” (mascareta with broom), to the race course in the Grand Canal.

10.30 am: Arrival of the procession at the Rialto, with musical entertainment and display of the giant Christmas stocking, symbol of the event.

10.45 am: Presentation to the public of the contestants and drawing of starting positions.

11.00 am: Starting gun, in the waters facing the Bank of Italy towards S. Angelo, turn at the buoy near the Rio di San Polo, and return to Rialto.

11.15 am: Finish under the Rialto Bridge.

11.30: Coronation of the “BEFANA 2020” and awards.

On the Riva del Vin, at the foot of the Rialto bridge, the PINK LIONESSES IN VENICE will offer smiles, sweets and hot drinks to young and old.