From 30 May to 19 July 2020, the Reale Società Canottieri Bucintoro is hosting an exhibition by Italo Rondinella, a photographer who has lived in Turkey for many years.

The exhibition consists of a series of personal objects belonging to the hundreds of people who, in the hope of reaching European territory, attempted to cross the short stretch of sea that separates the Turkish coast from the Greek island of Lesbos.

With the patronage of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and UNICEF Italy / for each child.
In collaboration with Reale Società Canottieri Bucintoro 1882
Magazzini del Sale / warehouse 5 / Dorsoduro 262, Venice

Hours Tuesday to Saturday: 10am – 6pm / Sunday: 10am – 1pm / closed on Mondays
Royal Information Rowing Club Bucintoro 1882 | Tel. +39 041 5205630
Free entry
Organizing Secretariat Noema Srl in collaboration with Artelibro
Press office Irene Guzman | | +39 349 1250956