“Why not think about places in relation to their potential as voids rather than as solids? How can we fight fear of emptiness in architecture?How […]
Press Release 6 February 2020 – non participation in the Carnival
The majority of Venice’s rowing and sailing associations, who with the name “Insieme” promoted proposals for specific water traffic regulation in the Venetian Lagoon, having […]
Shipwreck Crime
From 30 May to 19 July 2020, the Reale Società Canottieri Bucintoro is hosting an exhibition by Italo Rondinella, a photographer who has lived in […]
The Regatta on Three Kings’ Day, 6 January 2020
“A stroke of color and the great passion of the Bucintoro’s members” bring back to the limelight of the Grand Canal the magical legend born […]